
La mairie de Westmount

While driving, we saw this old castle/manor/city hall. It was freezing cold outside, so we parked on a nearby street and took 5 minutes to shoot a couple of pictures of the buildings around, without a tripod, hence the high ISO and noise.

I like this shot, in part because of that "Diablo" look, but also because the white balance setting was completely off yet the colors turned out great.

I never really looked at those pictures since then, probably because I received a parking ticket while shooting.

J'aime l'aspect gothique de l'hôtel de ville et surtout les teintes de la photo, puisque la caméra était encore sur un ancienne programmation de la balance des blancs.

Il faisait froid, alors je n'ai pas utilisé de trépied ce soir là, histoire de ne pas trop geler hors de l'auto. Malgré tout, j'ai récolté un billet d'infraction de stationnement. Yay.

rue Sherbrooke, Westmount